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Scholarly Contributions Teaching Contributions Societal Contributions Future Contributions
from 06/01/1999 to 05/30/2002
Contribution To Teaching |
EACH section below is attended by an average of 45 students.
Fall 1999: Computer Graphics (exercises) - 2 sections @ 1.5hrs each = 3hrs
Fall 2000: Literacy
II (exercises) - 1 section @ 1.5hrs
Computer Graphics (exercises) - 4 sections @ 1.5hrs each = 6hrs
Operating Systems (exercises) - 2 sections @ 1.5hrs each = 3 hrs
Fall 2001: Operating
Systems LECTURE - 1 section @ 1.5 hrs
Literacy II (exercises) - 1 section @ 1.5hrs
Operating Systems (exercises) - 2 sections @ 1.5hrs each = 3hrs
Computer Graphics (exercises) - 4 sections @ 1.5hrs each = 6 hrs
Syllabus: Literacy II, Computer Graphics,
Operating Systems - see attached.
Supervising graduation research students |
5 students GT2000 + 8 students GT2001 = 13 students / 3yrs = 4.3 students / yr
Graduation Thesis 2000: So Yamaoka, s1052074, Real-time Music Driven Animation with Variable Frame rate and User Controllable Smoothing; Shinano Saze, s1051078, 3D Reconstruction of Tanomo Saigo's Head; Akihiro Murakami, s1051146, Comparing Natural Watercolor with Digital Watercolor; Hiroki Yamada, s1051150, Research of Virtual Space Motif for Aizu History; Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, s1051152, Parallel Ray Tracing on Linux Clusters.
Graduation Thesis 2001: Yasunori
Katakura, s1061045, Modeling Sweeping Surface for HyperFun; Rintaro Kuroda,
s1061067, Flower, Music and Human Emotion; Kazuhiro Mochizuki, s1061152,
HyperFun with JAVA; Hisao Mihara, s1051139, Realtime Viewer for 3D Models
on Browsers Using Java; Asami Horiuchi, s1061139, Modeling Buddha Image
in HyperFun; Chisato Takahashi, s1062053, 3D Reconstruction of Tanomo Saigo's
Head; Hajime Matsui, s1061146, Simulation of Cloth with Collision Detection;
Kenichi Maezu, s1061144, F-rep Polygonizer by Common LISP.
Supervising Master's Program students |
I am the defacto supervisor for 4 students
in the Master's Program as follows:
Yuiichiro Goto, m5041110, for 2 years,
F-rep HyperFun Project; Musdi Bin Haji Shanat, m5042102,
for 1.5 years, Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage in official collaboration
with the Fukushima Prefectural Museum; So Yamaoka, m5051135,
for 1 year, Realtime Music Driven Animation in collaboration with Prof.
William Martens; Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, m5051138, for 1 year, Linux Network
/ Cluster Computing. The students with their research equipment reside
in my lab, and their research projects are part of my own research and
were designed under my direct guidance.
Supervising Students Cooperative Class Projects (SCCP) |
1) SCCP-023 Aizu History Project: Game Environments : Using ray tracing animations in POVRay and real time game programming in Quake II to present history from the Aizu region. Tools involved are object oriented Perl, C++, C and ProsgreSQL. (2 students)
2) SCCP-022 3D Objects and Animation
with HyperFun : How to create 3D objects and animations
the easy, natural way with function representation on free and open software.
Substantial educational materials/tutorials which can be used or were used |
Function representation (F-rep) HyperFun
shape modeling language tutorial
in English & Japanese, on CD-ROM
and the Internet (see attached).
Online HTML Tutorial for Literacy II
Online Operating Systems Class Resource
Interactive Educational Web Based Toolkit