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Scholarly Contributions Teaching Contributions Societal Contributions Future Contributions
from 06/01/1999 to 05/30/2002 |
Contents |
1. "Dancing
Buddhas: New Graphical Tools for Digital Cultural Heritage," Note: Use HTML link below for faster
7th International Conference on Virtual
Systems and Multimedia VSMM'01 (25-27 October 2001, University of
California Berkeley, USA), IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-1402-2,
2001, pp.345-353. J.M. Goodwin, J.R. Goodwin, A. Pasko, G. Pasko,
C. Vilbrandt, View in Mozilla HTML
or OpenOffice SXW formats. Please support public
(Please note that my colleagues and
I agreed to list ourselves in alphabetical order and that I am a major
contributor to this paper.)
2. "Digital
Preservation of Cultural Heritage through Constructive Modeling,"Note: Use HTML link below for faster
International Cultural Heritage
Informatics Meeting ichim01 (3-7 September 2001, Politecnico di Milano,
Italy), European Commission IST (Information Society Technologies)
Programme, D. Bearman and F. Garzotto (Eds.), Vol. 1, 2001, ISBN
1-885626-24-X, pp. 183-200. View in Mozilla HTML or OpenOffice SXW formats. Please support
public standards C. Vilbrandt, A. Pasko, G. Pasko, J.R. Goodwin,
J.M. Goodwin,
3. "Digital Digging: Computer Models
of Archaeological Sites: Enichiji in Aizu, Japan,"
2001 PNC Pacific Neighborhood Consortium
Annual Conference and Joint Meetings (15-20 January 2001, Hong
Kong), Computing Centre, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C., 2001, CD-ROM
Multimedia Presentation. View in Html or PDF formats C.
Vilbrandt, J.M. Goodwin, J.R. Goodwin,
4. "Computer Models of
Historical Sites: Sazaedou - From the Aizu History Project,"
1999 EBTI, ECAI, SEER & PNC Joint
Meeting (18-21 January 1999, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.),
PNC Secretariat (Eds.), ISBN 957-671-626-8, 1999, pp. 489-502. View in Mozilla HTML or OpenOffice SXW formats. Please support public
C. Vilbrandt, J.M. Goodwin, J.R. Goodwin,
5. "Making It Realtime: Exploring the use of optimized realtime environments for historical simulation and education," 6th International Conference of Museums and the Web 2002 (17-20 April 2002, Boston, MA, USA), Archives & Museum Informatics, D. Bearman (Eds.), View in Mozilla HTML or OpenOffice SXW formats. Please support public standards C. Calef, C. Vilbrandt, J.R. Goodwin, J.M. Goodwin
6. " Virtual Shikki and Sazaedou: Shape Modeling in Digital Preservation of Japanese Lacquer Ware and Temples," Spring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG 2001 (25-28 April 2001, Budmerice, Slovakia), R. Durikovic, S. Czanner (Eds.), IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-1215-1, 2001, pp. 147-154.View in Html or PDF formats G. Pasko, A. Pasko, C. Vilbrandt, T. Ikedo,
7. "Dynamic Distortion Correction
with Viewpoint Motion and Non-Static Attitude of Projector,"
Third International Conference on Human
and Computer HC2000 (6-9 September 2000, University of Aizu,
Japan), M. Osano. J. Herder (Eds.), 2000, pp. 182-189. S.
Vyatkin, S. Chizhick, C. Vilbrandt
8. "GNU++GNUbook=Meritocracy,"
O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention
oscon2000 (17-20 July 2000, Monterey, CA, USA), O'Reilly
Publishers,(Invited Presenter). C. Vilbrandt
"HyperFun: International Free
Software Project for Functionally Based Shape Modeling, Visualization
and Animation in Digital Farming Environments," ACM1 Exhibition:
Beyond CyberSpace (10-14 March 2001, San Jose, CA, USA), University of
Aizu with the University of Hosei was invited to present the HyperFun
Project at ACM1, an internationally prestigious conference and
exhibition of computer technology with more than 25,000 visitors.
HyperFun Project created and distributed two thousand HyperFun
CD-ROMs of English and Japanese free source "HyperFun Language
Software Tools for Functionally Based Shape Modeling, Visualization and
Animation." The CD ROM included original multimedia artwork, as
well as a fifty (50) page tutorial in English and Japanese (see exhibit
A attached). A. Pasko, C. Vilbrandt, K. Yamauchi, et. al.,
1. "Cultural heritage preservation using constructive shape modeling",
Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 23, No.1, 2004, pp. 25-41. C.
Vilbrandt, G. Pasko, A. Pasko, P.-A. Fayolle, T. Vilbrandt, J. R.
Goodwin, J. M. Goodwin, T. L. Kunii, Electronic version: PDF (12 Mb)
2. "Introduction to Extending
the Freedoms of Free and Open Information,"
Journal of Shanghai University (English
Edition), University of Shanghai Press, Shanghai, China, ISSN-1007-6417,
Vol. 5, Suppl. (Sep. 2001), pp. 181-188. C. Vilbrandt View in Html orPDFformat.
3. "Shape Modeling Issues of Digital
Preservation of Japanese Lacquer Ware and Temples,"
Computer Graphics and Geometry, Vol. 3,
No. 3, 2001, http://www.cgg.ru
G.Pasko, A. Pasko, C. Vilbrandt, T. Ikedo, View
in Html
4. "Dynamic Distortion Correction
with Viewpoint Motion and Non-Static Attitude of Projector,"
Computer Graphics and Geometry, Vol. 3,
No. 1, 2001, http://www.cgg.ru S.
Vyatkin, S. Chizhick, C. Vilbrandt View in Html
or PDF format.
Computer Graphics E-Book to be
published on the web the frist three chapters in english and Japanese.:
Computer Art, Computer
Aided Design XD , F-rep / HyperFun tutiorial and
extended programing exercises in open GL
1.Extend ..... .... report View in Html format.
2. IEEE mm tech report View in Html
3. Making It
Realtime: Exploring the Use of Optimized Realtime
Environments for Historical Simulation and Education. Carl
Vilbrandt, University of Aizu, Japan Chris Calef, Turlif Vilbrandt,
Mythworks, USA/Japan, , Janet Goodwin, Aizu History Project, USA/Japan,
James Goodwin, University of California, USA http://www.myth-works.com/simtools
and http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~vilb/aizu_history
. View in Html
and PDF format.
4. 3D Laser Scanning of HaniwaView in Html
or PDF format.