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The following is a working draft for submission to Japan Design Foundation "Design for Every Being"
It turns out that that the submission to Japan Design Foundation ( we did not read it in detail until the last day.) Was 150 words and 5 .... 640 by 480 jpgs. Well we made some abstract designs very quickly they can be seen above and links are below that bring up larger images.
Digital Materials - Medium
Synthic Processes - aggration
Virtural Networked Orgnaion - intercourse
Micro-Corporations - birth
Greater Good Public Licenses - Sustainablity
Below is the many attempts to write the 150 words....... ***********
The Organis busness plan is the implementation of the greater good public license's agreement for the development and use of technology under digital freedom, human rights and a sustainablity future The three provisions of GGPL are not just principled stands, but as a viable busness plan that fulls the mature sophisticated consumers need for meaning in and ethics related to their consumption
The Digital material made of ones, which repsent the presence of electrons or photons and zeros, that the absence of electrons or photons is unlike any materials of the past. Digital material made of electrons and photons has very little weight or size and are capable of moving a the speed of light Digital material does not cost very much to create, copy or change. The nature of digital material is making dramatic changes to the way we process and use information. Digital materials and processes are said to be almost non existence or immaterial so they are refered to as a virtual material that makes up a virtural world and also refered to as cyberspace. Digital materials are invisible to the human eye and so ubitious that fudicuary proof of ownership of digital processes or data or when digital data was created is impossible. Digital materials size and nature provides for a new level of complex digital processes are changing the basic social constructs for example.
The Digial material, that is invisible to the human eye having little weight or size therefore costing very little to copy and capable of moving a great speeds is changing the way we process and use information. digital informational processes based on of the virtural are changing the basic social constructs such as ownership of which is based on the analog information structures of the past and reflected in the present laws concerning copyrights, patent laws are being challenged and are proving to be woefully inadequate to deal with the digital based information technologies, thus creating social conflict and financial instability that is of urgent concern to all.
Digital material is made of ones, which repsent the presence of electrons or photons and zeros, that the absence of electrons or photons. It is invisible to the human eye has very little weight or size and is capable of being copy, modifyed and moving a the speed of light with allmost no cost.
Orgains is a digital based operating system for the space craft called earth. The Orgains design is hyper function micro kernel cellular business organisational system derived from a set of simple cellular automata rules of governing the interactions of micro-corp cells that create Virtual Networked Organisations (VNO) that result in decentralized adaptive dynamic complex digital social structures that are self regulating. The goals of VNO's are based on the micro-corp's cellular automata rules are the creation of decenterlized business structures that incorporate a sustainable income and the ethics of digital freedom, human rights and environmental sustainability.
The Virtual Networked Organisations (VNO)
are orgamistic trans-human digitaly networked cellular organic busness
structures based on creation of charters for novel business entities micor-corps
and nano-corps that provide digital services local and global support the
creation of global Virtual Network(ed) Organisations (VNO) where geographically
dispersed knowledge workers can virtually collaborate for a project under
no central planning. In the organic cellular structure of VNO
traditional centeral mangement and governencs gives way to many various
central areas of focus were the roles of co-ordination, management
arise from personal knowledge and interest. T
he VNOs structures are base on the case
studies of the Linux Project done by George Dafermos.
The novelty of the proposed Organis busness plan design, is its: decenterlized cellural structures, Set of automata rules governing system operations and sysetmatic growth based on cellular replecation and the advancement of digital knolwage and technology for all under, digital freedom, human rights and enviromental rights the three provisions of Greater Good Public License agreement
Organis is an attempt to develop computer
aided orgnisational growth models, that exhibit both continuous sustainable
growth and complex unpredictable random behaviors necessary to realize
the hyper fuctional organisational qualities including decentralize control,
self organising, dynamic response, and unprecendented
efficiency as witnessed in the Linux project
and appears to be occurring with other Libre Source projects.
We invision the Organis to be a business model by which payment for development and services can be introduce to the Liber / free source Projects with out disturbing the aboved mentiond organisational qualities. It is our hope, that a digital based type of "hyper fuctional micro kernel bus-ness structures" :-) can be created that will have the capabilities to compete with and dissolve the centerlized large inefficient global corporate structures. Global corporations, that merely express a "code of ethics duty/obligation" for the greater good of the public, but who's real fuction has been to transform the material and in-material common resources once owend by all in to privitly own consumer commodites to be sold for the persoanl profit of a very few, are taking away or digital freedoms, human rights and destroying the earth's enviroment. The current busness practices of large global corporations threaten the extinction of many species of the earth including homeosapiens.
E-mails concerning the development of Organis design on the disscus@ggpl.org group